Our Facebook Group Rules

Come join our Facebook group! We have over 950,000 members, who want to help you! You wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun would you?


You might just find the inspiration you need from our awesome members. If you’ve joined already why not invite any friends that may find it helpful?

Our Facebook Group Rules

We want our Facebook group to be as friendly and as useful as possible and to do this we have these rules in place. Please follow them, if you don’t then you’ll probably be removed from the group ????

Updated: 24/02/2020 – Formatting and condensing of rules.

The admin team will sometimes not allow posts that don’t fall into any of these categories, especially if we think the post is likely to cause drama.

All posts are approved at the discretion of Admin and whilst we will always endeavour to give a reason for post refusals, this may not always be possible.

If you need any help with the group etc please email us.

Over 18’s only

This group is only suitable for adults over the age of 18. This includes posts or photos which include mention or the image of under 18s – these posts will be declined.

We know you will be very proud of what your child has achieved, and we have not taken this decision lightly, but even though this is a closed group, sometimes things are copied and shared around the internet.

We’ve seen pictures and posts shared in places that do not have a positive view of weight loss amongst minors.

This results in a lot of negativity directed at the poster, the child and the those that choose to follow certain weight loss or healthy eating plans.

Be nice to each other

Don’t have anything nice to say? Don’t say it at all! Don’t be rude or obnoxious. Manners cost nothing <3

This is also applicable when posting directly to the page – a please and a thank you will go down wonders; a lack of these may result in the post not being approved.

Being polite includes not chastising people over a tweak or lack of speed on their plate. At the end of the day it’s up to the individual. We’re are all sensible adults with common sense!

Want to bicker and argue? Post a “reaction” post (moaning about others in the group) hen out the door with you… It will NOT be tolerated.

Posts considered “preachy” or condescending will not be approved.

Also, C-words and F-words may offend those of a sensitive predisposition. Let’s not offend them 😉 and keep offensive language to an absolute minimum please.

No asking for Values/Points

Post on the group are by approval only. If you post explicitly looking for a value then your post will be declined.

This includes;

  • Posting a pic and asking ‘How many Points in this?’or ‘Is this free?’
  • Posting without a pic asking for values of a specific product.
  • Creative ways of asking isn’t allowed either. E.g. asking “How on plan is this?” “I think this is about 10 Points, am I right?” “I can’t get on the app, how many Points….” etc

This rule may sound a little odd. But there are other groups on Facebook dedicated to this – so please go and post there. We don’t want to be responsible for people receiving the incorrect info.

No confessionals…

Posting a picture of the pizza/Chinese/chippy takeaway you had last night is not going to motivate anyone. Nor is listing everything you ate when you fell off the wagon. These posts are better shared on your own wall – not the group! This will be decided on a post by post basis.

Bloggers / Youtubers / Instagrammers please take note!

If you want to post links to your own recipes/other diet plan blog posts… You must ask the admin team first *and* have been contributing to the group for a while. The admin team will decide as to what frequency you can post your own recipes.

The following will lead to an instaban;

  • Joining and posting your stuff without seeking permission first
  • Treating this group like it’s your own. This includes posting about your page/group/instagram/pm’ing other members about other groups
  • Surveying our group members
  • Posting affiliate links
  • Posting Youtube/Facebook videos
  • Facebook Live videos
  • There is a post dedicated to Instagram CLICK HERE – posts fishing for followers will be deleted.

No selling / advertising / network marketing

Of any products/services either on the page or via PM. If you’re one of them and you’d like to sell your wares on our Facebook group then send us an email.

This includes asking the groups opinions on commercial/business ventures. If you do this on the group, it will result in an instaban.

Network marketers (Juice plus/Forever Living/Younique/Avon reps this means you!) you MUST email us to seek permission to join the group.

We’re sick and tired of you joining the group and peddling your wares – so we need an assurance from you that you won’t use the group for that purpose.

If you don’t seek this permission, and you’re spotted by the admin team – you will be removed from the group.

Don’t ask people to add you on Facebook/Email you/PM you

If you ask someone to add you on a post – it will be deleted & you will be removed from the group.

We’ve received reports of someone who asked new members to add them to Facebook, that they were then added by that person into a group promoting Juice Plus.

We’ve seen people offer food planers to find that their intention is to spam too. If you want to share something with the group, please upload it to dropbox or to the files section of the group.

No posting about other groups or Facebook Pages

This seems like a strange rule.

We don’t have anything against other groups of a similar nature, but often we’ve found that mention of them leads to debate or drama and we want to avoid this as much as possible.

There are some great groups out there and there are some that aren’t so great – we don’t want to prescribe which groups should and shouldn’t be mentioned, so we have decided to take the line of leaving all of them out of the group.

No screenshots of recipes or of official diet plan things

If you’re posting a recipe from another site please post the link and not a screenshot of the recipe. This is so the right people get credit & views for their hard work.If you have to post a screenshot, include a picture of the recipe that you’ve made too.

There are so many screenshots knocking around with stock images of the ‘made’ recipe – but they couldn’t be further from the truth!

Let’s not waste people’s time and money with recipes that aren’t tried and tested. With regards to official diet plan material, pictures of awards are ok. However, some things are not ok. This includes, but is not limited to;

  • Pages from diet plan recipe books
  • PDFs or Word document collections of recipes from diet plan books/website/magazine

Don’t post affiliate links

If you use affiliate links on this group without asking first you will be banned.

If you’ve been lucky enough to have been sent some free products, and are including pictures of the products in any pictures/referring them – you must disclose that you received product in kind.

This is standard disclosure in line with ASA guidelines.

Don’t ask for medical advice

Please do not ask for any advice related to a health condition/medications and weight loss.

We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the advice you will receive and therefore your post will be deleted.

This includes: asking about values in medications and asking whether people have lost weight on certain medications/with certain conditions. Please see the relevant healthcare professional.

No ‘which outfit should I wear?’ Or ‘does my arse look big in this?’!

They just cause arguments, these posts will be declined.

No charity/just giving/donation requests

Don’t block the admin team

If you do, we’ll remove you from the group.
And finally, the disclaimer…

This group is UNOFFICIAL and in NO way part of or representative of any diet plan. We’re not trained nor authorised to give diet advice.

Should any advice given here should not replace the advice of your diet plan consultant. Values or Points given, may not always be accurate, and ideally, you should check using official resources such as diet plan calculators. Unless very very clearly stated, everything we say on this group comes from us, everything is written by us, and everything reflects our own personal opinions.

We frequently link to posts on our website, where we have ads that enable us to continue to offer our recipes for free. Some posts are sponsored by brands, and if this is ever the case it will be clearly disclosed on our website.

The same applies when an affiliate link is displayed.



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