Brazilian-Style Peanut and Lime Chicken Curry

  • 15MINS
  • 25MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 257KCAL

Inspired by a classic Brazilian curry called Xinxim, this dish is creamy and zingy in equal measure. We've swapped the crayfish in the traditional version for prawns, making the recipe easier for everyday cooking. The sauce is nutty and zesty, with a hint of chilli to cut through those intense flavours. It’s surprisingly low in calories, perfect if you want to dish it up with rice, although we like to add a mini flatbread on the side to soak up all that glorious sauce.

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Pages 124-125

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Brazilian-Style Peanut and Lime Chicken Curry

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‘A quick and absolutely delicious dinner that is a real crowd pleaser!’

Amanda Shepherdson

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