Cheesy Butternut and Bacon Orzo

  • 20MINS
  • 45MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 419KCAL

Sweet butternut squash, salty bacon and mellow mushrooms give this wholesome pasta recipe a delicious, deep flavour. We love using tiny orzo pasta instead of rice, simmering it in chicken stock and melting in reduced-fat Cheddar, until you’re left with a creamy, cheesy risotto-like dish. A perfect midweek meal, this one-pot wonder freezes like a dream. Do yourself a favour and make a few extra portions to stash away in the freezer for a rainy day!

Featured On
Pages 176-177

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Cheesy Butternut and Bacon Orzo

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

We find the bacon makes this dish salty enough, so we don’t season with salt, only freshly ground black pepper.

Great comfort dish! Would recommend cooking the squash for longer than suggested to get it nice and soft. I added a handful of peas for a splash of green. Save any parsley wastage, use what’s needed and chop and freeze the rest for another dish!

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‘This was so very easy to make, I love recipes with orzo in it. The aroma of all the seasonings was lovely. It was 4 decent portions, which your recipes are great for. My family loved this, was really tasty and filling too. One of my fave books.’

Jo Griffin

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