What is a Podcast and How Can I Listen?

You might have seen a few posts lately all about our exciting, brand new podcast, The Magic Ingredient!

Not sure what a podcast is or how it works? Don’t worry, as we’ve got the answers to all of your questions!

What is a podcast? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

What is a podcast?

It’s not as complicated as it may sound – trust us! A podcast is a bit like a radio show, but instead of listening via your radio, it’s available via the internet instead. This means that you can play it on your computer or phone and you can even download it to listen later!

Lots of people listen to podcasts on their commute to work, while they’re doing housework, or even while they’re cooking! They’re the perfect way to pass the time and are also great if you’re not a big reader.

What is The Magic Ingredient?

The Magic Ingredient is the name of our brand new podcast! Each week we’ll invite a celebrity guest to visit our kitchen for a chat and we’ll also ask them to bring along their chosen ‘magic ingredient’.

This can be anything from an ingredient that they love but don’t know what to do with, to something new that they’re too scared to try. No matter what they pick, we’ll rustle up a delicious meal using their magic ingredient to surprise them with!

Because our community is so important to us – it is vital that we get you all involved as well and so each episode will feature the answers to your questions – everything from diet queries to questions about one of our recipes!

Sounds amazing! How do I listen and subscribe?

It’s really easy, but there are slightly different instructions you’ll need to follow for Apple and PC/Android devices.

If you’re using an Apple device:

Apple computers and phones generally come with the Apple Podcasts app preinstalled. Just type ‘podcast’ into the search bar and it should pop up!

What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Open the app, search for your chosen show (‘Pinch of Nom’ or ‘The Magic Ingredient’)

What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Then hit subscribe! Easy!

If you don’t have the app on your phone, you can download it from the app store for free.

New episodes will magically appear whenever they’re available, so you’ll never have to worry about missing out on an episode!

What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

If you’re using a PC or Android device:

If you have a PC or an Android phone, then you’ll need to download a podcast app – there are lots to choose from including Acast, Apple Podcasts or Spotify!


What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Once you’ve downloaded your chosen podcast app, just search for your chosen show (‘Pinch of Nom’ or ‘The Magic Ingredient’)

What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Click on the title link and then hit subscribe!

What is a podcast and how can I listen? | Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes


Spotify - Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Spotify - Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

Spotify - Pinch of Nom Slimming Recipes

When can I subscribe?

You can subscribe to The Magic Ingredient now on your chosen Podcast app and listen to the trailer! The easiest way to keep up to date with Podcast news is by following us on Facebook, as our Facebook community are often the first to know.

We’re so excited (and more than a little bit nervous!) to hear what you think of our very first episode! We wouldn’t be where we are today without the support of our amazing community so thank you so much for coming on this crazy journey with us!



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