Coronation Potato Salad

  • 5MINS
  • 197KCAL

There are two things that we love more than life itself: coronation chicken and potato salad. So the decision to make Coronation Potato Salad was like the accumulation of all life's loves in one. Creamy, mildly spiced potatoes with crispy spring onions and celery to add some crunch? Heaven. Literal heaven.

  • Everyday Light
  • Gluten Free
  • Snacks and Sides
Easy Peasy Coronation Potato Salad

NutritionPer Serving

  • Calories197
  • Carbs40g

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

We've made this speedy by using tinned potatoes, but feel free to cook your own potatoes if you wish. You could also add 120g of chopped dried apricots for an extra 56 kcals per serving.

We love hearing from you, submit any tips or tricks you have for this dish and we’ll review them and add some of them here. Just click here.

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Coronation Potato Salad

  • Prep Time
    5 MINS
  • KCals 197
  • Carbs 40G


We use a fan assisted oven for all of our recipes. Check out our oven temperature conversion guide.

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Lemon Tiramisu
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See what others have to say

Cathy CainSaturday 13th August 2022

Hi, this looks and sounds delicious but thehere doesn’t appear to be an ingredients list or method on the page?

I bought Pinch of Nom Comfort Food last weeks – loving the recipes!



    HollyMonday 15th August 2022

    Hi Cathy, this recipe is exclusive to our Everyday Light cookbook, you can find more information on our books HERE hope that helps!


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