Air Fryer Cosy Pigs in the Hole

  • 10MINS
  • 30MINS
  • Serves 2
  • 411KCAL

Plain old Toad in the Hole will be off the menu once you've tried little piggy chipolatas wrapped inside cosy, crispy bacon blankets. We've gone the whole hog by nestling them into a fluffy Yorkshire pudding, and covering them in a rich glug of red onion gravy. We like these piggies best with a side of steamed vegetables, but there's nothing to stop you bringing them all the way home with a hearty serving of creamy mashed potatoes. It's pure, slimming-friendly comfort food for chillier days!

Featured On
Pages 112 - 113

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Cosy Pigs in the Hole

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