Air Fryer Kofte Meatball Bake

  • 10MINS
  • 30MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 254KCAL

These meatballs, with a Turkish-inspired twist, are batch-cookable, slimming-friendly and utterly delicious. By rolling our meatball mixture from scratch, we've cut down the calories and ramped up the flavour, using a blend of low-fat mince and an easy selection of aromatic spices. Your air fryer will get them juicy and golden, before they're ready to bubble away in our rich, garlicky homemade sauce. Leave everything to mingle, turning halway, until it's all ready to spoon over a fluffy portion of basmati rice.

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Pages 132 - 133

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Kofte Meatball Bake

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‘What can I say another great recipe, thank you’

Linda Cain

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