Air Fryer Roast Potatoes

  • 10MINS
  • 30MINS
  • Serves 2
  • 315KCAL

Stop right here – this is the recipe you're looking for! Even if you're new to the world of air fryers, everyone knows they're a game changer when it comes to spuds. These are plenty of opinions about how to make the perfect roastie, but this is the winner if you want crispy, golden potatoes without adding loads of fat or oil. For a crunchy outside and fluffy middle, follow our steps carefully, and don't be tempted to rush! You need to let the parboiled potatoes sit in the colander for five minutes before adding them into the air fryer. Trust us, it's worth the wait.

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Pages 126 - 127

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Roast Potatoes

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