Air Fryer Salmon Fishcakes

  • 15MINS
  • 30MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 250KCAL

You heard it here first, folks: air-fried fishcakes are a game changer! Who knew a couple of tins of salmon, some frozen peas and a slice or two of (almost) stale bread could be turned into such a dreamy dinner? We've added lots of lemon into the filling for these easy-peasy fishcakes, for a burst of zestiness that works beautifully with the sweetness of the peas. Coat each one in homemade breadcrumbs, then whack them in the air fryer until they're irresistibly crunchy on the outside.

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Pages 118 - 119

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Salmon Fishcakes

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‘Good size fishcake tasty definitely do them again’

Linda Cain

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