Air Fryer Sweet Potato Katsu

  • 20MINS
  • 45MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 328KCAL

It's a fact of life that everything tastes better when it's smothered in creamy, mild katsu curry sauce. Sweet potatoes are healthy and filling, so they make a great vegetarian substitute when you fancy a meat-free dinner. Just like if you were making chicken katsu, these slices of sweet potato get coated in panko breadcrumbs and golden, nestle them in the sauce and add some lime wedges to serve.

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Pages 64 - 65

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Air Fryer Sweet Potato Katsu

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

Lots of ingredients but worth it
Nice tasty recipe great to freeze the curry for next time

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