Air Fryer Tex Mex-Style Chicken

  • 5MINS
  • 20MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 421KCAL

Those of you who are already familiar with our classic Zinger Burger recipe will know we LOVE using tortilla chips to hack our way to a lighter crunchy coating for air-fried chicken (you'll find the Zinger on page 60). For a Tex Mex-inspired twist, each chicken breast is stuffed with gooey reduced-fat Cheddar and tangy salsa – and you'll have to bite through a fiery layer of crushed-up chilli tortilla chips to get to it! It's ready in a jiffy, courtesy of your air fryer (just 20 minutes!), even if it looks and tastes like you've popped to the drive-thru.

Featured On
Pages 62 - 63

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Tex Mex-Style Chicken

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

Easy and tasty
We had left over filling, which I heated and poured over the top. Served with home grown mixed salad and sautéed radishes!

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