Fruity Cupcakes

  • 20MINS
  • 20MINS
  • Serves 12
  • 118KCAL

These cream-topped Fruity Cupcakes are bursting with colour and juicy-sweet flavours. Better yet, they’re low in calories and delightfully simple to make! We’ve decorated them with an eye-catching combination of fresh berries and kiwi fruit making them perfect for summer parties or pairing with a cuppa.

  • Bakes and Roasts
  • Batch Cook
  • Everyday Light
Easy Peasy Fruity Cupcakes

NutritionPer Serving

  • Calories118
  • Carbs17g
  • Protein3.4g
  • Fat5.5g
  • Saturates1.9g
  • Sugars6.6g

The ingredients for Pinch of Nom's Fruity Cupcakes are laid out on a kitchen counter, ready to bake.

For the full list of ingredients and comprehensive instructions, please see the recipe card below. Before you scroll, there’s important stuff in the blurb!

Forget about high-calorie buttercream! Our lower-calorie Fruity Cupcakes keep things nice and light by being topped with a smooth blend of reduced-fat cream cheese and icing sugar, with an assortment of fresh berries and kiwi fruit.

You’re left with an eye-catching, creamy sweet treat that’s surprisingly slimming friendly at just 118 calories per cupcake. You’ll want to use a half and half mixture of sugar and granulated sweetener (with the same weight and texture as sugar) to make your cupcakes taste scrumptious.

Bake them in the oven until the sponge is risen, golden and ready to be piped with a swirl of silky homemade ‘buttercream’. Bear in mind you can stash the cakes in the fridge or freezer without toppings, ready to decorate and enjoy at a moment’s notice. 

They’re absolutely perfect for a summer party or a spread of sweet treats for afternoon tea.

What diets are these Fruity Cupcakes suitable for?

These Fruity Cupcakes are suitable for vegetarian diets. 

They can be made dairy-free with a dairy-free alternative to reduced-fat cream cheese.

Please make sure to double or triple check all of your ingredients if you’re cooking for people with allergies.

Do you need any special ingredients to make Fruity Cupcakes?

We’ve kept the ingredients list for this recipe really simple, so you shouldn’t need to pick up anything fancy. 

We love hearing from you, submit any tips or tricks you have for this dish and we’ll review them and add some of them here. Just click here.

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A bun tin with 12 holes is ideal for dividing this recipe out evenly.

Use a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle to swirl cream on top.

How many calories are in these Fruity Cupcakes?

There are 118 calories per portion in this Fruity Cupcakes recipe, which means it falls into our 

Everyday Light recipe category. If you’re counting calories or following one of the popular diet plans like Weight Watchers, this recipe fits in perfectly!

NHS guidelines suggest men should aim for 2,500 calories per day to maintain a healthy body weight, and women require around 2000 calories. Each person has different calorie requirements depending on their goal, so you may want to adjust your daily calorie intake according to your own personal goal.

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 160°C. Place the paper cake cases in a 12-hole bun tin.

Step 2

Place the self-raising flour, reduced-fat spread, sweetener, sugar, baking powder, eggs and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl.

Step 2

Step 3

Beat for 1-2 minutes with an electric whisk, until the whisk leaves a ribbon trail in the mixture. You can use a wooden spoon, but it will take more effort.

Step 3

Step 4

Spoon the mixture into the cake cases and place in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, or until risen slightly and golden. A knife inserted into the cakes should come out clean when they are cooked.

Step 4

Step 5

Place the cakes on a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

Step 5

Step 6

While the cakes are cooling, make the topping. Place the cream cheese and icing sugar in a small bowl and stir to mix completely until smooth.

Step 6

Step 7

Place the topping in a piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle. Pipe a small swirl of the topping in the middle of each cooled cupcake. Decorate each with a strawberry half, a blackberry, a blueberry, a raspberry and a quarter of a kiwi slice, placing on the topping. Serve.

Step 7 Step 7

A close-up of Pinch of Nom's Fruity Cupcakes served in colourful cases on a speckled serving plate topped with strawberry, kiwi, blueberry and raspberry slices.

What could I serve with these Fruity Cupcakes?

These Fruity Cupcakes are absolutely delicious on their own with a cuppa. You can always serve them alongside a selection of other slimming-friendly sweet treats, for an afternoon tea spread to impress friends and family.

Jaffa Cakes
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  • 20MINS
  • 33KCal
Cinnamon Drizzle Squares
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  • 35MINS
  • 67KCal
Lemon Sponge Traybake
Easy Peasy
  • 35MINS
  • 77KCal

How do you know when Fruity Cupcakes are cooked?

You should cook these Fruity Cupcakes until the sponge is risen and slightly golden. This will take around 20 minutes in an oven at 160°C. 

You can test their readiness by inserting a knife into one of the cakes – it should come out clean when they’re cooked.

The advice here in the UK is to cook food until it has reached 70°C and remained at that temperature for 2 minutes.

How long can you keep Fruity Cupcakes in the fridge?

Before they’re decorated, you can keep these Fruity Cupcakes refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Can I freeze Fruity Cupcakes?

Yes, you can freeze these fruity cupcakes without their toppings! You’ll also need to do the following:

  • Freeze them as soon as they are cold enough.
  • Use a container that is suitable for freezing.

Don’t forget to add a label telling you the name of the recipe and the date you’re freezing it. 

When you’re ready for a sweet treat, defrost the cupcakes thoroughly before you decorate each one with the homemade cream cheese mixture and fruit.

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Fruity Cupcakes

These colourful Fruity Cupcakes are topped with slimming-friendly buttercream, juicy-sweet berries and kiwi fruit for only 118 calories each!
  • Prep Time
    20 MINS
  • Cook Time
    20 MINS
  • KCals 118
  • Carbs 17G


  • 100 g self-raising flour
  • 100 g reduced-fat spread
  • 50 g white granulated sweetener
  • 50 g caster sugar
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the top

  • 150 g reduced-fat cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 6 small stawberries stalks left on and halved
  • 12 fresh blackberries
  • 12 fresh blueberries
  • 12 fresh raspberries
  • 3 slices of kiwi fruit peeled, thinly sliced and cut into quarters

12 hole bun tin

12 paper cake cases

large mixing bowl

small mixing bowl

electric whisk

cooling rack

piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle

We use a fan assisted oven for all of our recipes. Check out our oven temperature conversion guide.

Please do not screenshot this. Recipes are updated often


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Place the paper cake cases in a 12-hole bun tin.
  2. Place the self-raising flour, reduced-fat spread, sweetener, sugar, baking powder, eggs and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Beat for 1-2 minutes with an electric whisk, until the whisk leaves a ribbon trail in the mixture. You can use a wooden spoon, but it will take more effort.
  4. Spoon the mixture into the cake cases and place in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, or until risen slightly and golden. A knife inserted into the cakes should come out clean when they are cooked.
  5. Place the cakes on a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.
  6. While the cakes are cooling, make the topping. Place the cream cheese and icing sugar in a small bowl and stir to mix completely until smooth.
  7. Place the topping in a piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle. Pipe a small swirl of the topping in the middle of each cooled cupcake. Decorate each with a strawberry half, a blackberry, a blueberry, a raspberry and a quarter of a kiwi slice, placing on the topping. Serve.

Looking for Slimming World Syns or Weight Watchers (WW) Points?

With ever-changing plans and point calculations, we have made the decision to remove WW Points from the website - referring to your individual plan or advice from your consultant is always going to give the most accurate results.

We agreed with Slimming World to remove their trademarked terms from our website

Find out why here

Recipe notes

Tip: Use white granulated sweetener that has the same texture and weight as sugar.
Tip: Make sure the cupcakes are completely cold before piping on the topping otherwise it will melt.

If you’ve made these Fruity Cupcakes and love them, let us know by sharing a photo and tagging us on Instagram or in our Facebook group!

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