Air Fryer Gouda and Cranberry Toastie

  • 5MINS
  • 8MINS
  • Serves 1
  • 448KCAL

How 'Gouda' does this air-fried toastie look? We couldn't put together a whole book of air fryer recipes and not have a go at making the ultimate cheesy lunchtime treat. Instead of the traditional, pairing of cheese and chutney, we've spooned sweet cranberry sauce inside this one. Paired with the nutty, caramel flavour of the Gouda, every bite is a delight. You'll notice there's no butter in the ingredients list we've spread reduced-fat mayonnaise on the bread for this recipe instead, as it makes it crisp up a treat in the air fryer!

Featured On
Pages 158 - 159

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Air Fryer Gouda and Cranberry Toastie

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‘Nice little lunch From air fryer book page 158’

Linda Cain

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