Air Fryer Pizza Swirls
When you've got a hankering for pizza, these delicious puff pastry bites are just the ticket. With a tomatoey, cheesy ham and basil filling, they're best served warm as part of a buffet spread (or you can stash them away in your lunchbox for a light snack!). To cut down on fuss and calories, you can't beat ready-rolled sheets of light puff pastry. Wrap up your pizza inspired filling, slice, and let your air fryer do the rest of the work. Remember, you can always mix things up with different fillings to suit your go-to pizza order!

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Hints & Tips
Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.
Make sure that the basil leaves are completely dry before using, otherwise they may make the pastry soggy.
Most cooked ham is gluten-free, but do check as some isn't. If you prefer you could use other cooked meats such as bacon or chicken, instead of the ham.
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