Full English Pinwheels

  • 10MINS
  • 30MINS
  • Serves 16
  • 127KCAL

Just when you thought a full English breakfast couldn’t get any more delicious, we’ve crammed the best bits inside flaky pastry to make these tasty Pinwheels. Serve them fresh from the oven to get your day off to a winning start – or pack them up to enjoy as an on-the-go mid-morning snack!

  • Bakes and Roasts pinchofnom.com
  • Batch Cook pinchofnom.com
  • Breakfast pinchofnom.com
Easy Peasy Full English Pinwheels pinchofnom.com

NutritionPer Serving

  • Calories127
  • Carbs14g
  • Protein5.1g
  • Fat5.3g
  • Saturates2.3g
  • Sugars1.3g

The ingredients for Pinch of Nom's Full English Pinwheels are set out on a kitchen counter, ready to begin cooking.

For the full list of ingredients and comprehensive instructions, please see the recipe card below. Before you scroll, there’s important stuff in the blurb!

We’ve given these pastry pinwheels a surprising filling! Perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch or snacking, each flaky swirl is stuffed to the brim with all the best bits of a full English. Yep, we’ve rolled up sausage, egg and even baked beans to make sure every bite is hearty and delicious! 

To keep the calories down, we’ve used reduced-fat ingredients, including a lighter puff pastry and reduced-fat pork sausages. The beauty of this recipe is that you can switch it up from time to time, so if you want to add bacon or make it vegetarian, it’s up to you! Just remember to work out any additional calories, if you’re keeping track. 

We love them fresh from the oven for breakfast, but they’re yummy when they’re cold too. Keep them in an airtight container and you’ve got the perfect on-the-go snack for busy days. At 127 calories each, there’s never a bad time of day to bite into one of these bakery-style treats!

What diets are these Full English Pinwheels suitable for?

You can make these Full English Pinwheels vegetarian if you were to simply switch the sausages to vegetarian sausages. 

To make the recipe gluten free, you can swap the pastry and the sausages for suitable gluten-free alternatives. 

As always, please take extra care when cooking for people with allergies and be sure to use different utensils, cookware and preparation areas.

Do you need any special ingredients to make Full English Pinwheels?

Nope! This is an easy recipe that uses just a handful of basic ingredients. 

We love hearing from you, submit any tips or tricks you have for this dish and we’ll review them and add some of them here. Just click here.

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How many calories are in these Full English Pinwheels?

There are 127 calories per portion in this Full English Pinwheels recipe, which means it falls into our Everyday Light recipe category. If you’re counting calories or following one of the popular diet plans like Weight Watchers, this recipe fits in perfectly!

NHS guidelines suggest men should aim for 2,500 calories per day to maintain a healthy body weight, and women require around 2000 calories. Each person has different calorie requirements depending on their goal, so you may want to adjust your daily calorie intake according to your own personal goal.

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.

Step 2

Spray a frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and set on a medium heat. Add the sausages to one side of the pan and mushrooms to the other. Fry for 10 minutes, turning the sausages to get an even colouring. The mushrooms should release all the moisture and be a golden brown colour.

Step 2 pinchofnom.com Step 2 pinchofnom.com

Step 3

Cook the egg in the microwave in 1 minute bursts until cooked and scrambled. It should have more of a firm texture and not be too wet. Leave to one side to cool slightly.

Step 3 pinchofnom.com

Step 4

Once cooked, dice the sausages and leave to one side to cool slightly.

Step 5

Unroll the pastry sheet, leaving it on the greaseproof paper packaging, and place on your work surface.

Step 5 pinchofnom.com

Step 6

Spoon over the beans, trying to get an even coverage. Add the diced sausage, mushrooms and scrambled egg. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Step 6 pinchofnom.com Step 6 pinchofnom.com

Step 7

Roll-up the pastry, starting with the long edge closest to you, using the greaseproof paper packaging to help you.

Step 7 pinchofnom.com

Step 8

Keep rolling until you have made a ‘Swiss roll’. When you have finished rolling the pastry up, make sure it is seam side down.

Step 8 pinchofnom.com

Step 9

Use a large, serrated knife to cut into 16 spiral-shaped slices.

Step 9 pinchofnom.com

Step 10

Place the swirls flat onto the lined baking tray, leaving gaps between each swirl and brush with skimmed milk.

Step 10 pinchofnom.com

Step 11

Place the tray into the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the swirls are golden and crisp. Place on a cooling rack to cool or serve warm fresh from the oven.

On a red plate, several Full English Pinwheels are served, on top of a red and white striped napkin. The pastry swirls are golden brown, and the breakfast-themed filling can be seen running through the middle.

What could I serve with these Full English Pinwheels?

They’re delicious on their own, or you could serve them as part of a big breakfast spread! Try adding these other breakfast recipes to the table:

Breakfast Bakes pinchofnom.com
Easy Peasy
  • 30MINS
  • 321KCal
Breakfast Muffins pinchofnom.com
Cookbook Pinch of Nom Cookbook pinchofnom.com
  • 30MINS
  • 256KCal
Salmon Kedgeree pinchofnom.com
Easy Peasy
  • 35MINS
  • 403KCal

How do you know when Full English Pinwheels are cooked?

The sausages should be pan-fried until they’re piping hot and cooked all the way through. The eggs should be cooked until they are scrambled and not too wet. Once assembled, the pinwheels need to be baked until they are golden and the pastry is flaky. This should take around 20-25 minutes.

Here in the UK, the standard advice is to cook food until it has reached 70°C and maintained that temperature for 2 minutes. This is to keep you and your family safe! 

How long can you keep Full English Pinwheels in the fridge?

We’d recommend that you eat this recipe within 4 hours of serving it.

If you have any leftovers, allow them to cool before popping them in a container with a lid and refrigerating. Leftovers of this Full English Pinwheels can be kept in the fridge for around 3 days.

Can I freeze Full English Pinwheels?

This recipe CAN be frozen, but please do remember to do the following:

  • Make sure that you freeze it as soon as it is cold enough.
  • Choose a container or a bag that is suitable for freezing.
  • Label your dish with the name of the recipe and the date that you froze it on.

How do I reheat Full English Pinwheels?

You can defrost and enjoy these pinwheels cold, or reheat them as below:

From chilled: Place in a microwavable container with a loosely fitting lid and heat for 3-5 minutes until piping hot. Alternatively, reheat in a moderate oven until piping hot. 

From frozen: Allow to defrost overnight in the fridge and reheat from chilled. 

ORDER Our NEW cookbook Air Fryer NOW

Full English Pinwheels

Just when you thought a full English breakfast couldn’t get any more delicious, we’ve crammed the best bits inside flaky pastry to make these tasty Pinwheels. Serve them fresh from the oven to get your day off to a winning start – or pack them up to enjoy as an on-the-go mid-morning snack!
  • Prep Time
    10 MINS
  • Cook Time
    30 MINS
  • KCals 127
  • Carbs 14G


  • 375 g sheet reduced-fat puff pastry
  • 2 reduced-fat pork sausages
  • 200 g tin baked beans
  • 4 mushrooms, diced
  • 2 medium eggs, beaten
  • 1 tsp skimmed milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • low-calorie cooking spray

Frying pan

Baking tray

We use a fan assisted oven for all of our recipes. Check out our oven temperature conversion guide.

Please do not screenshot this. Recipes are updated often


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
  2. Spray a frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and set on a medium heat. Add the sausages to one side of the pan and mushrooms to the other. Fry for 10 minutes, turning the sausages to get an even colouring. The mushrooms should release all the moisture and be a golden brown colour.
  3. Cook the egg in the microwave in 1 minute bursts until cooked and scrambled. It should have more of a firm texture and not be too wet. Leave to one side to cool slightly.
  4. Once cooked, dice the sausages and leave to one side to cool slightly.
  5. Unroll the pastry sheet, leaving it on the greaseproof paper packaging, and place on your work surface.
  6. Spoon over the beans, trying to get an even coverage. Add the diced sausage, mushrooms and scrambled egg. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  7. Roll-up the pastry, starting with the long edge closest to you, using the greaseproof paper packaging to help you.
  8. Keep rolling until you have made a ‘Swiss roll’. When you have finished rolling the pastry up, make sure it is seam side down.
  9. Use a large, serrated knife to cut into 16 spiral-shaped slices.
  10. Place the swirls flat onto the lined baking tray, leaving gaps between each swirl and brush with skimmed milk.
  11. Place the tray into the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the swirls are golden and crisp. Place on a cooling rack to cool or serve warm fresh from the oven.

Looking for Slimming World Syns or Weight Watchers (WW) Points?

With ever-changing plans and point calculations, we have made the decision to remove WW Points from the website - referring to your individual plan or advice from your consultant is always going to give the most accurate results.

We agreed with Slimming World to remove their trademarked terms from our website

Find out why here

Recipe notes

Tip: If you find the pastry difficult to slice, wrap the roll up in the greaseproof paper and pop back in the fridge to chill for 10 minutes. The pastry will firm up and be easier to slice.

If you’ve made Full English Pinwheels and love it, let us know by tagging us in your photos!

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