Sweet and Sour Crispy Asian Sprouts

  • 30MINS
  • 20MINS
  • 193KCAL

Sprouts are one of those underrated vegetables, sadly tainted with their reputation as over-boiled Christmas accompaniments. We wanted to create a dish that will change your tune about these little bad boys. By baking them in the oven and giving them a spicy twist we hope we can convince you to give them another chance!

Featured On
Pages 200-201

This recipe is currently only available in our cookbook. You can get it here

Sweet and Sour Crispy Asian Sprouts pinchofnom.com

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

The dressing will taste very strong on it's own - that's normal. When combined with the sprouts, it tastes perfect!

We love hearing from you, submit any tips or tricks you have for this dish and we’ll review them and add some of them here. Just click here.

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Due to the large number of submissions we recieve we’re afraid we’ll only inform you if we use it on the Recipe page - then we’ll send you some swag…

(Please remember others may of had the same idea as you!)


‘Love these, packed full of flavour’


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