Chicken and Cheese Curry
You may be surprised to see cheese in a curry, but believe us, it works! Clever ingredient swaps keep the calories low while giving you a creamy, rich, medium-spiced sauce that's full of flavour. Our favourite bit is the cheese sprinkled on top, which melts into the curry and makes it extra tasty. Try it for yourself, and you may find you stop reaching for the takeaway menu!

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See what others have to say
ClareTuesday 2nd January 2024
This dish looks amazing! Is it freezable?
Cheryl LloydThursday 8th February 2024
Yes, this recipe is suitable for freezing without the grated cheese 😊
BethMonday 13th June 2022
I love this. How much protein is in it though please, it says 4g in the back of the book
HollyTuesday 14th June 2022
Hey Beth, this was an error and submitted as a correction in future print runs, the correct protein value should be 54g. Hope that helps!
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