Lemon and Thyme Roast Chicken
There is often nothing better than a good home-cooked roast. The classic flavour combination of lemon and thyme is perfect for a delicious, moist chicken with homemade gravy and roasted vegetables. It will tempt you into a mid-week roast more often than usual! Removing the skin after cooking will still leave you with the delicious flavours that will have soaked into the meat, while reducing your intake of fats.
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Pages 172-173, 175
This recipe is currently only available in our cookbook. You can get it here

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See what others have to say
HaleyMonday 3rd January 2022
In all your other cook books you give the full breakdown of the nutritional values but the 1st one just has the calories.
Could you post the lemon and thyme roast chicken nutritional values please
HollyTuesday 4th January 2022
Hey Haley, the full nutritional breakdown for each recipe was included after feedback from our community for the first book. This information is only available in our subsequent books. If you have a look at THIS article it talks you through how to work out nutritional information for all of our recipes, hope that helps!
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