Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni

  • 15MINS
  • 35MINS
  • 287KCAL

Usually made with a rich, full-fat cheese sauce, cannelloni can seem like an unhealthy option on a menu. However, by packing some decent flavours into the tomato sauce, and using a melting, oozing Parmesan and Cheddar mix on the top, you won't be able to tell the difference. It will feel like just as much of an indulgence.

Featured On
Pages 196-197

This recipe is currently only available in our cookbook. You can get it here

Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni pinchofnom.com

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Game changer
Superb dish if you want a meat free meal.

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‘Super easy and super tasty, a recipe that goes down well with all and I keep coming back to!’


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See what others have to say

Emma SmithThursday 11th May 2023

The calorie value on this recipe is different online to in the book. Which is correct?


    SharonMonday 15th May 2023

    Hi Emma, this recipe features in our first book, ‘Home-Style Recipes.’ The calories stated per serving in the copy of the book I am referring to are 287, which is the same as 287 calories per serving stated on the website. Hope this helps.


      Emma SmithThursday 18th May 2023

      Thank you. I’ll use that calorie count then. I’ve double checked and the book I’ve got definitely states 460 cals per serving. That’s why I was confused.

      SharonFriday 19th May 2023

      Hi Emma, I’m sorry to hear your copy of the book states 460 calories and this has caused confusion. I have checked the calories for this recipe again and 287 is correct. The book went to print to the best of our knowledge and calculations. However, it is always the case that books have corrections and errors on a first print. Once any typos, spelling errors or calorie calculations are found, these are submitted to our publisher so that the corrections can be made for reprints, so the most recent print of the book will always be most correct. Once again, apologies for the confusion and hope you enjoy the recipe.

    Emma SmithFriday 19th May 2023

    Love it! I’ve made it twice now and think it will be a regular. Thank you for going to the effort of checking for me. That means I can have rustic wedges too! Great news!


      SharonTuesday 23rd May 2023

      Hi Emma, we love this recipe too, it’s so simple and tasty. We’re pleased you’ll be making our Rustic Wedges too. Checking the calories for you wasn’t a problem, you’re very welcome.

Rach LMonday 20th June 2022

This is a firm favourite in our house! Toddler loves it too!
Would I be able to make it up and freeze before cooking?


    SharonFriday 24th June 2022

    Hi Rach L, thanks so much for your lovely comment, we’re really pleased to hear you all like our Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni! Yes, you can prepare this recipe and freeze it before cooking. Thanks for getting in touch.


Mandy LawrensonMonday 23rd May 2022

Made my first ever cannelloni today using this recipe….and absolutely loved it. I will definitely be making it again !


    HollyTuesday 24th May 2022

    Hi Mandy, thanks so much for your message we are so glad to hear you enjoyed this cannelloni!


AnnetteThursday 12th May 2022

I struggled to get gluten free cannelloni so used pasta sheets to make a lasagna instead. So tasty


    HollyMonday 16th May 2022

    Hey Annette, thanks so much for your message we are so glad to hear you enjoyed this recipe and great tip for the lasagne sheets instead of cannelloni!


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