Peri-Peri Chicken Wrap

  • 10MINS
  • 6MINS
  • Serves 2
  • 284KCAL

We absolutely love a cheeky Nando’s, and the Peri-Peri Chicken Wrap is one of our go-to orders! Better for your budget and your calorie count, this fake away gives the restaurant favourite a run for its money. We’ve wrapped up fresh peri-peri seasoned chicken breast and homemade sweet-and-spicy chilli jam, so you can enjoy the best bits in comfort at home.

Featured On
Pages 52-53

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Peri-Peri Chicken Wrap

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

Heating the tortillas makes it easier to fold and roll the finished wrap.

Swap out mayo
Use fat free Greek yoghurt instead of mayo
We didn't have any peri peri seasoning, so we used BBQ seasoning with some chilli powder 😋
So simple to make
I made the chilli jam a little earlier to save myself some time. The chilli jam has a lovely kick

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Due to the large number of submissions we recieve we’re afraid we’ll only inform you if we use it on the Recipe page - then we’ll send you some swag…

(Please remember others may of had the same idea as you!)


‘That chilli jam is amazing 😋’


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See what others have to say

Emma JonesWednesday 4th January 2023

How long can you store the chilli jam for, in your peri peri chicken wrap recipe please?

The chilli Jam is amazing! We would like to make a big batch, for when we need it.


    HollyThursday 5th January 2023

    Hey Emma, it would be fine stored in an airtight container in the fridge for around a week, hope that helps!


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