Peri-Peri Pulled Chicken Wraps

  • 15MINS
  • 20MINS
  • Serves 4
  • 267KCAL

You can't say no to these crunchy Chicken Wraps, especially if you're already peri-peri obsessed! To bring you your favourite restaurant flavours in the comfort of your own home, we've pan-fried the shredded chicken in a herby, medium-spiced peri-peri sauce. Roll it into a low-calories tortilla wrap with fresh lettuce, cucumber and homemade spicy mayo for a delcious light lunch (they're only 267 calories each!).

Featured On
Pages 136 - 137

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Peri-Peri Pulled Chicken Wraps

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

If you like more of a kick, add a bit more Chilli powder!
Make double, the mixture would work great on nachos too!
Absolutely amazing!
This recipe was so easy to make, and tasted fab! I added a chilli as I like an extra kick. A firm favourite in our house.

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‘In a blind taste test I think you'd be hard-pressed to tell this version from one bought from your local Chicken restaurant. Top marks again to the PON team for providing such inspirational dishes.’

Punk Floyd

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