Welcome to Snacks (315) Our ‘Latest’ Snacks Recipes Tikka Beans Halloween Spooky Sponge Prawn Bites Air Fryer Zinger Scotch Eggs Zinger Scotch Eggs Raspberry Banana Ice Cream Berry Toastie Full English Pinwheels Air Fryer Salt and Pepper Chips Air Fryer Cheese and Chive Scones Air Fryer Aloo Bora Air Fryer White Chocolate and Blueberry Muffins Air Fryer Potato Dogs Air Fryer Blooming Onion with Dipping Sauce Air Fryer Curry Puffs All Snacks Recipes (page 18 of 27) 141KCalBarbecue Potato Wedges 259KCalKatsu Chicken Scotch Eggs 126KCalColcannon 38KCalKetchup Tomatoes 38KCalMac and Cheese Bites 197KCalCoronation Potato Salad 108KCalFrench Peas 164KCalCauliflower Tots 168KCalLoaded Cauliflower Tray Bake 80KCalLemon and Coriander Hummus 276KCalVegetable Parmesan Chips 140KCalBroccoli Cheese Previous1217181924Next Need some recipe help or moral support?Come Join Our Facebook Group ORDER Our NEW cookbook Air Fryer NOW