Chicken and Chips Pie
We’ve said goodbye to the pastry (and a fair few calories too) for this tasty take on a classic pub grub meal. Instead of serving them on the side, we’ve used thick-cut, garlicky chips as the topping for our creamy chicken and mushroom pie filling. Believe us, this warming dinner tastes so good, you’d never know it was slimming friendly. You don’t need any fancy ingredients either – just simple, homely bits that you’d usually pick up in your weekly shop.

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Hints & Tips
Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.
Make sure to cut the potatoes into even 1cm (1/2 inch)-thick chips, so that they cook evenly in the time stated. You can use diced chicken breast instead of chicken thighs, if you prefer.
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