Chicken and Asparagus Quiche
Quiche is definitely a party staple, and this chicken and asparagus version offers a protein-filled light dish to take to your next celebration. Quark is a great low-calories alternative to heavier creams or yoghurts, and omitting the crust from this recipe means that each slice comes in at only 192 calories.

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Use a chicken substitute or double the quantity of asparagus, and swap the chicken stock for vegetable stock.
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See what others have to say
AmberWednesday 11th May 2022
If I don’t have quark what is the best alternative? I have skyr yoghurt, garlic and herb cream cheese or ricotta.
Thank you.
HollyThursday 12th May 2022
Hey Amber, you are probably best using the cream cheese or ricotta in place of the quark. Alternatively you can use cottage cheese just whizz it up in a food processor until smooth before adding to quiche ingredients. Hope that helps!
LorraineTuesday 26th April 2022
What do people serve the chicken and asparagus quiche with as sides?
HollyTuesday 26th April 2022
Hi Lorraine, here are some sides we think would go great with this quiche, Potato Salad,Tabbouleh,Chunky Chips,Apple and Beetroot Salad. Hope that helps!
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