Lemon Surprise Pudding

  • 10MINS
  • 40MINS
  • 235KCAL

A light, fluffy pudding that separates during baking to produce an airy sponge on the top and a moist, lemon sauce underneath. This dessert is full of zingy citrus flavours and is so easy to make – perfect for a midweek treat! As this pudding produces its own sauce, it doesn’t need to be served with any other sauces or custard. Guaranteed to become a new, firm favourite!

Featured On
Pages 250-251

This recipe is currently only available in our book. You can get it here

Lemon Surprise Pudding pinchofnom.com

Hints & Tips

Below we added some of our communities most common hints and tips. We hope you find them useful.

Make sure that the whisk heads and bowl are really clean and free from grease otherwise the egg whites may not stiffen when whisked.

Really easy to make, and rises beautifully
I've made this recipe before and found that using 3 lemons made the dish really tart, so I reduced to just 2 lemons....perfection. A really nice pallet cleanser after a perfect meal

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‘Oh my! I'd been craving sweet all day and this hit the spot! The gooey lemon mixed with the slight crunch on the top is mouth watering perfection!’


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See what others have to say

Mary PurrottWednesday 18th January 2023

I received a small taster booklet advertising your Pinch of Nom recipe book. At the back there was a money off voucher which I used to buy the book. Unfortunately part of the Lemon surprise pudding was on the back of the voucher and this recipe doesn’t seem to be in the book. Where can I find this recipe please.


    HollyThursday 19th January 2023

    Hi Mary, Lemon Surprise Pudding appears in our book Quick and Easy, you can find more information on all of our books HERE


Kevin RobertsSaturday 16th April 2022

I made this yesterday and i think the amount of sweetner is far too much as its really light in weight, i only had 1/2 the amount and it tasted really nice with that amount. and also the amount of flour should be higher. As i was wisking it was that liquidy it splashed everywher, i had to be realy careful, so i added more to it. the cake came out really well and very tasty 🙂


    SharonMonday 18th April 2022

    Hi Kevin, it sounds like you may have used a powdered sweetener if it was light in weight and you thought there was far too much. We use granulated sweetener in our recipes which has the same weight, texture and sweetness as sugar.Some brands of sweetener are labelled ‘granulated’ but are actually powdered.The amount of flour in the recipe is correct and creates a mixture that can separate out into a light and airy sponge on top and a sauce underneath.Just use a slow speed on your electric whisk when mixing the flour in. We have a handy guide on sweeteners that you may find useful:Which Type of Sweetener Should I Use? Hope this helps and we’re glad you enjoyed the recipe!


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